How to combine the advantages of the digital and analog world in one instrument cluster?

The Challenge

How can you combine the benefits of digital and analogue worlds into a Cluster tool so that the entire display interface, among other things, can be used without curtailing analogue elements? This was a task that opened up exciting new design opportunities for us.

The Outcome

Continental opted for a hybrid approach as the solution which combines traditional, analogue hands with an AMOLED display. Thanks to a black panel interface and 3D topology, the display allows the spatial and seamless integration of digital content such as navigation, infotainment and driving data. This is a technology that not only gave us the chance to use the entire display surface, but also sensibly incorporated key information such as warnings thanks to the LED strip lighting.

How to sensibly unite analogue and digital worlds:

The Hybrid Instrument Cluster

Hybrid Instrument Cluster - Analog meets digital / Continental Automotive GmbH

What we did :

  • Usability Concepts
  • Motiondesign
  • Screendesign
  • Product Design
  • 3D/CAD Modeling
  • Hardware Prototypes/Models


  • Automotive Brand Contest


    Best of Best - Future, Mobility and Parts

    Visit Award Website

  • German Design Award


    Special Mention - Excellent Product Design

    Visit Award Website

With the optically three-dimensional structure and the associated virtual combination of the digital and analog world, the Continental designers not only set innovative aesthetic standards, but also give their colleagues in cockpit design completely new design options.

Jury statement, Automotive Brand Contest 2015

Would you like to know more about our work?

Jens Renner
CEO - Vision, Trends, Know-How

+49 69 4005537-10

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