Working with our client Continental Automotive GmbH, we have developed a completely new user experience using the very first 3D haptic touch display.

The Challenge

A touch display that is intuitive and non-distracting to use: this was an exciting challenge that we were happy to take on.

The Outcome

Based on the solution developed, a new type of 3D interface was created with topographical elements and tactile feedback. Precisely tailored to drivers’ user behaviour, we created a user interface that intuitively recognises finger movements to such an extent that it can be used blind. A completely new interface development that significantly increases safety while driving.

How to develop a touch display that can be truly operated blind:

The 3D Surface Touch Display

3D Touch Surface Display - Brings Depth to the world / Continental Automotive GmbH

The award-winning display looks like it could be the best of both worlds – cutting edge digital graphics and informational organization with an old-school tactile feel.

C.C. Weiss (, 10.01.2018)

What we did:

  • Usability Concepts
  • Multimodal Interaction
  • Robotic Systems
  • Motion Design
  • Screen Design
  • Software Development & Coding
  • Digital & Physical Prototypes

3D Touch Surface Display
Making Of




This new type of touch display features a topographically designed interface that provides tactile support for the digital display and allows for precise operation, including for touch typing. An innovative concept that transposes the principle of a holistic perception to a contemporary design.

Jury statement, German Design Award 2019

We would like to congratulate Continental on winning the German Innovation Award 2018, SID Award “Component of the year” and the CES 2018 Innovation Award “Best of Innovation”. It makes us extremely proud to have been part of this award-winning project.

Would you like to know more about our work?

Jens Renner
CEO - Vision, Trends, Know-How

+49 69 4005537-10

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